We are sorry for so much radio silence on this page. It has been a tumultuous year, but some sort of normality is finally returning. Four dogs are booked to Italy, and one to Sweden, and the first transports after the summer will be in mid-September.
We have been very lucky to have had some funds to keep us going thanks to auctions organised by Anne Houben and Petra Elex, and GACI have made sizeable donations twice a year. There are also several individual donors who donate monthly. But funds and donations are always needed to pay for dog food, petrol, car insurance, utility bills etc.
If you would like to help, there are several ways to do so:
* Join our Teaming group. A small monthly donation, €1, goes a long way if many contribute.
* Buy a bag of dog food, €15, through the shop on our webpage.
* Donate through PayPal or to our bank account. Details can be found on our webpage https://www.claregreyhoundsanctuary.com/how-to-help/

We are applying for our charity number. Due to all the confusing events this year this has been unnecessarily delayed, and it is a very frustrating process which is being done in rare, quiet moments between minding the hounds and all the other work here.

Thank you so much for your support! ❤❤❤

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