Happy Christmas from all of us to all of you!
Without the support from near and far, we would never have been able to make it through this strange and often scary year. To everyone who has liked, shared, donated, adopted, taken part in auctions, and sent kind messages, thank you. 💖 To the amazing “support team”, Anne, Annie, Eileen, Sabine, Julieann & John, Petra, Jennifer, Mairead & Abi and Lotta. You are all great people, and I’m lucky to know you. Many thanks to David Betts for donating the proceeds from.his photos to support the greyhounds here. GACI in Italy and Friends Forever in Sweden, works tirelessly to find wonderful homes for Irish dogs. Mary and Alison at The Pet and Hardware Superstore are the best. Everyone at Ceithre Cos Veterinary Clinic, who always goes the extra mile for the dogs here. And to everyone, in rescue, who stands up for the greyhounds and pull out all the stops to give them a future.
Thank you everyone, from the bottom of my heart. Here is to a wonderful Christmas for everyone, and many hopes for a brighter and easier New Year.

Happy Christmas

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